Home working pitfalls and how to avoid them
As early adopter, the Brussels based UPR Business and Consumer team has a long tradition in remote working; from home, public spaces and client offices. We are fully prepared and equipped to guarantee the health safety of our team while continuing to provide our clients with the quality consultancy they deserve during the corona crisis and lockdown measures. Flexible working proved to have a positive impact on our team-spirit, mobility, productivity, motivation, personal fulfillment, work autonomy and work happiness. But there are pitfalls to avoid: swipe and discover how to address them!
Pitfall 1: lack of contact and loneliness
Learning: work with state-of-the-art communication tools like Microsoft Teams and Google Hangout. Organize regular virtual team meetings and updates.
Pitfall 2: difficult to plan and organize work
Learning: create a dedicated and well-equipped and ergonomic home working space. Invest time in planning agendas and share planning and deliverables with the team on tools like Microsoft Teams.
Pitfall 3: difficult to separate work from private life
Learning: respect normal working hours, take breaks, maintain a good work-life balance
Pitfall 4: issues on accountability and communication
Learning: make clear agreements and a agree on good and an easy to understand set of homeworking rules. Always answer mails, calls, text- or WhatsApp messages within a reasonable time and let your colleagues know when you start, take a break and stop working.
Pitfall 5: hard to manage
Learning: remote working can be managed exactly like working at the office. Keep communication and expectations consistent, monitor deliverables and coach team members on punctuality, reporting, dress code, scheduling, discipline and work ethics.
But above all:
Stay at home
Keep social distances
Be healthy
And take care of each other