How to ... make it stick?

6 tips for creating impactful content

Ensuring that your target audience receives your message properly and deals with the information effectively; that is the objective of communication. But how does your story attract and retain the full attention of the reader? Discover it through these tips for impactful storytelling.

Become a story whisperer

Stories have been around for as long as humans and they have always been an important means to share information. You are also less likely to forget a story. That is why we remember fairy tales or children's songs much better than shopping lists. Always make sure, therefore, that you build the message in the form of a coherent and riveting story, with enough attention-grabbers at the start and strong arguments along the way that capture the attention to the end. Constantly ask whether you yourself would read the story you are writing in a newspaper, magazine or blog.

Keep it simple

A classic mistake is to communicate too many messages at the same time. Therefore, focus your communication on that one message that is most important and that is most likely to appeal to your target audience. It is a bit of an open door, but ask yourself: "What’s in it for them?"

Surprise the brain
The human brain receives an enormous amount of impulses. We consequently developed a kind of autopilot that processes information for us unknowingly. Your message must be striking, because then the autopilot in our brain switches to a different cognitive system where we consciously record and process information. Therefore, conjure surprise or controversy by using unusual images (for example on social media) or by providing counter-intuitive information.

Make it tangible
Translating a highly technical or scientific message into a fascinating and accessible story for a (general) audience that often knows little about the topic is a real challenge. It is therefore important to convey your message in simple language, free of jargon; to support it with clear quotes and examples; and to animate with visual material such as video or infographics.

Tell it with facts
"Can you prove it?" is probably one of the most frequently asked questions in our knowledge society, built on facts. People believe what has been proven. Therefore, ensure that your message is sufficiently credible. This can be done, for example, by supporting your claim with figures from (market) research. Strong figures in combination with their interpretation by external experts and illustrated by a strong case study make for the ideal mix for successful messages.

Aim for the heart 
Our plea for facts and rationality is followed – surprisingly! – by a call for emotion. This is because people don't just think with their heads, but at least as much with their hearts. A good way to generate emotion is to ensure that your target audience identifies with your message. This can be achieved, for example, by involving children or a good cause in your story.


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Would you like to learn more about impactful copy writing and storytelling? Then please contact  Stefanie at

Source: “Made to Stick” by Dan and Chip Heath

Stefanie Vandervorst

UPR business & consumer


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UPR Agency has been standing for strategic and creative PR & communication for local and international brands and organisations that wish to make a difference since 2000. As a hybrid Benelux agency with offices in Brussels, Antwerp and Amsterdam and with more than 40 employees, UPR Agency builds and manages brand reputations, awareness and thought leadership. Thanks to its multidisciplinary and cross-media expertise in business, consumer and lifestyle communication, UPR Agency is a leader in creating unique brand experiences and positioning with impactful stories.